Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2010-02-17
Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2010-02-24
changes to Opera table
Content Transformatnion Guidelines: Last Call Working Draft ( LC-2085) ( LC-2268 LC-2267)
different dial-in code! (Re: Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2010-02-17)
draft FF Implementation report
Google Chrome Implemenation report
ISSUE-236: Drop redirection chain section (5.4.3) [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-237: Augmented Assurance Certificate Elements [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-238: Clarify introductory sentence in 6.2 [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-239: Consistent presentation of secondary security context information [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-240: Clarify "protection level represented by the TLS indicator" [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-241: TLS indicator in primary chrome [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-242: Change introduction sentences in 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 into context, not conformance [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-243: Pre-consent to software installation not implemented [wsc-xit]
ISSUE-244: UI conformance criteria for TLS indicator and Identity Signal [wsc-xit]
new implementation report table in the wiki
Single Table rollup of all three implemenation report conformance statements
updated diff
Updated editor's draft available
updates to Google Chrome Implementation report
Last message date: Friday, 26 February 2010 19:34:57 UTC