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public-wsc-wg@w3.org from June 2009
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16 messages
Monday, 1 June 2009 18:10:59 UTC,
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 13:25:31 UTC
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Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2009-07-01
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Tuesday, 30 June)
Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2009-06-24
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Tuesday, 23 June)
Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2009-06-17
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Tuesday, 16 June)
call for straw vote - 5.4.4 SHOULD vs MAY
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Friday, 12 June)
Re: call for straw vote - 5.4.4 SHOULD vs MAY
(Friday, 12 June)
Re: call for straw vote - 5.4.4 SHOULD vs MAY
(Friday, 12 June)
Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2009-06-10
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Tuesday, 9 June)
ACTION-606: TLS-protected or not when errors occur?
Thomas Roessler
(Monday, 8 June)
Regrets for this week
Joe Steele
(Monday, 8 June)
ACTION-605 Propose more detailed text about relationship to use case note, based on previous call's minutes
Joe Steele
(Wednesday, 3 June)
Re: ACTION-605 Propose more detailed text about relationship to use case note, based on previous call's minutes
Thomas Roessler
(Wednesday, 3 June)
Re: ACTION-605 Propose more detailed text about relationship to use case note, based on previous call's minutes
Joe Steele
(Thursday, 4 June)
Re: ACTION-605 Propose more detailed text about relationship to use case note, based on previous call's minutes
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Friday, 12 June)
ACTION-607 Propose changes in 5.4.1 to clarify end entity vs intermediaries
Joe Steele
(Wednesday, 3 June)
Re: ACTION-607 Propose changes in 5.4.1 to clarify end entity vs intermediaries
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Friday, 12 June)
Agenda: WSC WG distributed meeting, Wednesday, 2009-06-03
Mary Ellen Zurko
(Monday, 1 June)
Last message date
: Tuesday, 30 June 2009 13:25:31 UTC