RE: [Bug 6463] New: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata

Agree with Katy. Suggest that we do not conflate these two issues.


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

From: Katy Warr []
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 1:59 AM
To: Gilbert Pilz
Cc: Asir Vedamuthu;
Subject: Re: [Bug 6463] New: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata


Perhaps the issues are getting confused (in particular, this one with 7728)?  I intended 6463 to specifically address the problem of getting policy associated with the Mex.GetMetadata operation in order for the effective endpoint policy to be established later (via GetMetadata).



Gilbert Pilz <>




Asir Vedamuthu <>,


02/11/2009 20:32


Re: [Bug 6463] New: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata



Forgive me if I am missing something here, but we seem to have wandered away from the original topic. Although I think you make some good points about clarifying how to bootstrap metadata retrieval, in use case we were discussing the EPR consumer either cannot or does not wish to retrieve any additional metadata. What they want is EPRs that contain the effective endpoint policy within them.

- gp

On 11/2/2009 2:09 AM, Katy Warr wrote:


Yes, I agree that we could close with no action, but it would be beneficial to have an example.  I also think that this provides us with an opportunity to make the spec easier for readers in this area.

I suggest:
1) Add an example for GetMetadata in section 8 "Bootstrapping Metadata Retrieval".
2) Example 7.2 illustrates how the WS-T Get might be bootstrapped.  Move example 7.2 to section 8 so that the 2 examples are same relevant section
3) Example 7.2 could be improved.  I can raise a separate issue for this or we could fix it here.

Detailed proposal is attached below.  Note that for (1), I used external policy attachments.  This is  because we already have examples with embedded metadata and a variety of examples is always helpful to readers.  However, embedded wsdl would work in the example too.  Similarly, I used MetadataLocation in (3) for variety.

Many thanks

Draft Proposal  for 6463:

1) Add the following to WS-Mex section 8 Bootstrapping-Metadata-Retrieval:

For example, metadata for the WS-MetadataExchange GetMetadata operation MAY be passed within an Endpoint Reference as illustrated in example 8.1.

Example 8.1: Passing Policy of the GetMetadata request within an EPR

(01)  <wsa:EndpointReference
(02)      xmlns:wsa=''>
(03)    <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>


(08)      <mex:Metadata xmlns:mex=''>
(09)        <mex:MetadataSection
                     <!-- Following according to: -->
                     <!-- with URI syntax from:                 -->
                  <wsp:Policy> ... </wsp:Policy>
(22)        </mex:MetadataSection>
(23)      </mex:Metadata>
(24)    </wsa:Metadata>
(25)  </wsa:EndpointReference>

Example 8.1 shows an EPR that supports WS-MetadataExchange.  Lines [09] to [22] specify a metadata section that defines required policy for the WS-MetadataExchange GetMetadata operation using the WS-PolicyAttachments [WS-PolicyAttachments] dialect.  Note that it would be valid to pass the WS-MetadataExchange WSDL with policy in-lined instead of the WS-PolicyAttachment.

2) Move example 7.2 to section 8

because this example is specific to bootstrapping metadata retrieval and fits nicely with the example above with additional text something like:

"Similarly, metadata for the WS-Transfer Get operation may be passed within an Endpoint Reference as illustrated in example 7.2."

3) Finally, I suggest that we improve example 7.2 within the context of this issue

Make the following updates to example 7.2:

 a) Add "Identifier=''> " line 16 below
 b) Replace:
 (16)                  <!-- Reference to WS-Transfer WSDL wst:Resource portType
(17)                     plus binding -->
                          <!-- Reference to WS-Transfer WSDL at the Metadata Endpoint -->

The resulting example is:

Example 7-2: Endpoint reference with embedded metadata about the Metadata Reference
(01)  <wsa:EndpointReference
(02)      xmlns:wsa=''>
(03)    <wsa:Address></wsa:Address>
(04)    <wsa:Metadata>
(05)      <mex:Metadata xmlns:mex=''>

(06)        <mex:MetadataSection
(07)            Dialect=''>
(08)          <mex:MetadataReference>
(09)            <wsa:Address>
(11)            </wsa:Address>
(12)            <wsa:Metadata>
(13)              <mex:Metadata>
(14)                <mex:MetadataSection
(15)                  Dialect=''
(16)                    Identifier=''>
                        <!-- Reference to WS-Transfer WSDL at the Metadata Endpoint -->
(18)                </mex:MetadataSection>
(19)              </mex:Metadata>
(20)            </wsa:Metadata>
(21)          </mex:MetadataReference>
(22)        </mex:Metadata>


Asir Vedamuthu <><>


""<> <><>


02/11/2009 01:38


RE: [Bug 6463] New: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata


There is a simple, natural solution - embed a WSDL (using MEX in an EPR) that specifies binding/port information for the MetadataExchange portType at and attach policy expressions to bindings, as appropriate. This is specifically covered by some prose in the current version of WS-MetadataExchange draft [1]:

"In particular, the mechanisms described in 7 Metadata in Endpoint References allow issuers of endpoint references to include sufficient protocol binding information to allow requesters to issue a Get request against a metadata resource, or a Get Metadata request against a service endpoint, in order to retrieve all the information needed to use the service."

Proposal: close issue 6463 without any action!



Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From:<> [] On Behalf Of<>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 6:45 AM
Subject: [Bug 6463] New: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata

         Summary: Attaching Policy to WS-Mex GetMetadata
         Product: WS-Resource Access
         Version: PR
        Platform: PC
      OS/Version: Windows XP
          Status: NEW
        Severity: normal
        Priority: P2
       Component: MetadataExchange

We should consider clarifying or recommending how policy should be associated
with a WS-MetadataExchange GetMetadata request.  ('Policy' might be existing
policies such as WS-SecurityPolicy or potential new assertions, as described in
issue 6406 here:

A GetMetadata operation's policy cannot be attached within the Web service
endpoint's WSDL because:
In order for a client to establish the WS-Mex GetMetadata policy, it would need
to issue a GetMetadata(WSDL) request at the web service endpoint...but in order
to issue a GetMetadata request at the endpoint it would need to establish the
WS-Mex GetMetadata policy...

The issue here is: what is the correct way to bootstrap the bootstrap (without
entering an infinite loop)?

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