from June 2009 by subject

6401 and 6661: Draft Requirements

6712 writeup

[Bug 6916] Event and Enum: change MAY generate to MUST generate

[Bug 6956] Enum: server behavior after end of enumeration context reached

[Issue-6413] Summary of what I heard and straw man proposal

[Team 6401]: composition approach in WS-E format

[Team 6401]: concrete proposal using NotificationDescriptions

[Team 6401]: simplified approach

Agenda 2009-06-30 telecon

Agenda WS-RA 2009-06-09/11

Agenda WS-RA distributed meeting 2009-06-02

Agenda, 2009-06-23 Teleconference

Coming face to face meetings - Tentative

Decisions to-date for Issue 6692

Draft minutes from 2009-06-23 have been posted

Draft Minutes from the 2009-06-09/11 Face to face have been posted

Draft Minutes from the 2009-06-09/11 Face to face have been posted (corrected URL)

Draft Minutes of 2009-06-02 have been posted

Formal Objection: Separation of Verb from Content

Issue 6692 - The Delivery Element

issue 6712: updated proposal

issue 6924: concrete proposal

issue 7014: more detailed proposal

Monthly snapshots

more Logistics and maps for june 2009 f2f

New face to face has ben scheduled in August

Regarding Proposal for 6692

Requirements of issue 6401-6661

September F2F date change

Teleconference of 2009-06-16 has been canceled

The problem with mode

whiteboard and flipchart from 2009-06-10 discussion on Issue-6692

WSMAN Slides

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2009 19:26:19 UTC