Re: Solution space for Issue 4127: Proposed WSDL 1.1 element identifiers can not deal with operation name overloading

Thanks, Dave


Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
phone: +1 508 377 9295 wrote on 01/12/2007 04:38:41 PM:

> Imagine an WSDL 1.1 operation that contains
> <input name="foo"/>
> <input name="bar"/>
> How are these elements identified?
> Here's my cut at the solution space, ranging from least expressive to
> most expressive.
> 1. Illegal operation.  Add a normative
> reference and constraint that the WSDL 1.1 element identifiers can only
> be
> applied to WSDL documents that comply with the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1.
> The BP
> 1.1 section 4.5.3 disallows operation name overloading.
> 2. Undefined.  Nothing said in WSDL EI (WEI) spec.  Add text
> recommending WS-I BP 1.1 compliance.
> 3. First-only.  Change WEI spec to say that only the first element is
> identified.  Add text recommending WS-I BP 1.1 compliance.
> 4. Fully supported, names required on all Message References.  Modify
> the fragment identifiers for portType operation and binding operation
> to deal with operation name overloading requiring that each input is
> named.  Identifiers are then:
> wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/input("foo"))
> wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/input("bar"))
> 5. Fully supported with shorthand.  Modify the fragment identifiers for
> portType operation and binding operation
> to deal with operation name overloading allowing but not requiring
> specification of name attribute.  The absence of a name parameter
> assumes the first, and the name can be a parameter.  Identifiers are
> then:
> wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/input) OR
> wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/input("foo"))
> wsdl11.portTypeMessageReference(portType/operation/input("bar"))

Received on Monday, 15 January 2007 20:49:18 UTC