Re: Issue 3619 - input from WS-Addressing WG


Can you please clarify one more thing :

Lets take EPR just as an example. EPR being a domain expression, identifies an Endpoint Policy Subject. A policy externally attached 
to it takes precedence over policies which can be directly or indirectly attached inside an EPR itself.

Does it take precedence over policies which apply to an Endpoint Policy Subject only or over all policies which can be associated 
with all various WSDL subjects ?

If it takes precedence over Endpoint Policy Subject's policies then does it take precedence over policies which can be associated 
with it through wsdl:portType and wsdl:binding as well ? Or just over a policy which can be associated with wsdl:port ? That is, 
will this externally attached policy be used as a single source for calculating an effective policy for a referenced Endpoint Policy 
Subject or not ?

Would it make sence to open an issue so that a possibel clarification be added to section 3.4 ?

Thanks, Sergey

> Asir, can you please confirm this would be equivalent to
> what you said in another email in this thread [1] ?

Yes - our interpretations are the same.


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Sergey Beryozkin []
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 3:39 AM
To: Sergey Beryozkin; Paul Cotton;
Cc: Maryann Hondo; Marc.Hadley@Sun.COM; Bob Freund-Hitachi; Asir
Subject: Re: Issue 3619 - input from WS-Addressing WG

My apologies, I haven't read Section 3.4 carefully enough and jumped to
the example straight away.
The text clearly states (at least this is how I read it now) is that a
policy which is applied to a subject inside wsp:AppliesTo
takes precedence over any policies contained inside of the wsp:AppliesTo
element such as EPR.
Asir, can you please confirm this would be equivalent to what you said
in another email in this thread [1] ?

That is, can I conclude that  a policy which is applied to an EPR (using
EPR as an example) inside wsp:AppliesTo overrides/takes
precedence over an embedded wsp:Policy (directly or in an
embedded or referenced WSDL) and hence no policies reconciliation is
required ?

Sergey Beryozkin
Iona Technologies


> Hi
> The reconciliation with embedded/referenced WSDLs should happen
irrespectively of whether a policy is attached to EPR through an
> embedded wsp:Policy or through a WS-Policy Attachment mechanism (as
shown in the example in Section 3.4).
> What is the algorithm for reconciling an embedded wsp:Policy with the
WSDLs ? The same algorithm should be applied to a WS-Policy
> Attachment example.
> If both EPR-embedded (wsp:Policy) and wsp:PolicyAttachment-attached
policies are available at the same time then one of then
> should take precedence and then the chosen policy should be reconciled
with WSDLs.
> As a side question : why would someone have a policy attached
to/embedded in EPR anyway ? What is the advantage of doing it (and
> hence requiring a policy consumer to go through a reconcilation
process) instead of attaching it directly to a policy subject
> inside a corresponding WSDL definition ?
> Cheers
> Sergey Beryozkin
> Iona Technologies

Received on Friday, 8 September 2006 16:26:25 UTC