People who show up in the changelog

This is a question to the chairs / editors:

Currently Philippe and me don't show up in the automatically generated
change log for the policy drafts. This is due to the rule in changelog.xsl

<xsl:if test="author!='plehegar' and author!='fsasaki'"> ...

(btw., I changed '&&' in the rule to 'and')
David and me were wondering if Philippe and me should be in the
changelog (although we are not editors). For example, Philippe did a change

Revision 1.3, Thu Jul 13 15:04:08 2006 UTC (4 days, 16 hours ago) by
Changes since 1.2: +21 -21 lines
Replaced all fabrikam123 with

Any opinions?


Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2006 07:44:00 UTC