Can ReferenceParameters contain message addressing properties defined in WS-Addresing core

I know we had a discussion around this, but do not remember the resolution.

The current schema at [1] uses "##any" as the namespace restriction for 
Ref param :

   <xs:complexType name='ReferenceParametersType' >
	  <xs:any namespace='##any' processContents='lax' minOccurs='0' 
maxOccurs='unbounded' />
   	<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>


So what happens if there is an EPR with Ref param that contains wsa:To, 
wsa:Action and wsa:ReplyTo? If I were to follow the rules in WS-A 
core/soap-binding, there will be two wsa:To soap headers and two 
wsa:Action soap headers and possibly two wsa:ReplyTo. The cardinality of 
wsa:To, wsa:Action is (1, 1) and for wsa:ReplyTo is (0, 1).

Is such an EPR conformant to WS-Addressing?



Received on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 21:23:39 UTC