RE: Issue 019: WSDL Version Neutrality


>   This leaves us with an interesting issue: if there is a WSDL 1.1 and
>   WSDL 2.0 description available, which is the implicit value of the
>   action property? If in a year's time we release WSDL 2.1, what
>   happens? I believe that there is an implicit value of the action URI
>   recognized by the recipient of the addressing information for the
>   description of the service made in each version of WSDL. Those are
>   equivalent for the purpose of our specification.


The above would not be an issue if wsa:action didn't exist, right? :-)))




PS: Apologies to the WG... I couldn't resist :-)

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 00:06:20 UTC