[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 25 January 2017

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Michael Koster!


                               - DRAFT -

                               WoT IG/WG

25 Jan 2017



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-wot-irc


          DarkoAnicic, Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster,
          Daniel_Peintner, Darko_Anicic, Dave_Raggett,
          Johannes_Hund, Kirby_Shabaga, Takuki_Kamiya,
          Yongjing_Zhang, Masato_Ohura, Matthias_Kovatsch,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Kazuaki_Nimura, Takeshi_Yamada,
          Katsuyoshi_Naka, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Keiichi_Tokuyama

          Michael_McCool, Kajimoto

          Matthias, Yongjing



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Dusseldolf F2F date
         2. [6]Semantic TF proposal
         3. [7]Santa Clara F2F
         4. [8]TD update
         5. [9]Scripting update
         6. [10]Communications update
         7. [11]AOB
     * [12]Summary of Action Items
     * [13]Summary of Resolutions



Dusseldolf F2F date

   <mkovatsc> [15]Doodle for the F2F in Germany

     [15] http://doodle.com/poll/m3pxukezic7itd7e

   mkovatsc: Dusseldorf F2F link for doodle poll

Semantic TF proposal

   <dsr> Draft charter

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/TF-LD_charter.md

   Dave: Semantic TF

   Linked Data and Semantic Interoperability

   dave: explains the charter
   ... where should the documents go?

   mkovatsc: create a new area in github
   ... F2F: please register and make invitations to colleagues

   <kaz> [17]Santa Clara F2F registration results

     [17] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201602/results

Santa Clara F2F

   mkovatsc: approximately 30 registered
   ... looking for more participants from the area
   ... WG-IG split questions came up
   ... IG will be the main thread, last day will be for planning
   the transfer and operational split

   <kaz> [18]WG deliverables

     [18] https://www.w3.org/2016/12/wot-wg-2016.html#deliverables

   mkovatsc: please volunteer for Editors also
   ... items for breakouts - REST API vs. program API

   <kaz> [19]Santa Clara F2F agenda proposal


   dave: metadata requirements for different platforms to decouple
   applications from platforms
   ... relates to bindings and templates

   mkovatsc: linking, for example a collection linking a room to
   its devices

   mkoster: will take that subject of links and collections

   <mkovatsc> [20]Breakout Topic proposals


   mkovatsc: moderators for topics above look at the link
   ... moderators contact the people involved to get questions and
   discussion ahead of time
   ... topic: plugfest
   ... table is rough and missing some entries

   <mkovatsc> [21]PlugFest Participation


   mkovatsc: please complete the table
   ... plugfest will go Monday through Tuesday morning
   ... keep the testing methodology to evaluate and record items

   kaz: asked Zoltan to clarify Intel entry

   mkovatsc: any more questions?

   kaz: where is the link to the table


     [22] https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/master/plugfest/2016-beijing

   sebastian: the Beijing folder has test cases

   mkovatsc: should read and write properties and invoke actions
   for coverage

   <kaz> [23]Test Case Coverage table


   sebastian: implementers should discover and interact with
   things using these test cases, record pass/fail results and
   note problems

   mkovatsc: will need to determine if results may be publicly
   shared based on participants needs

   <kaz> [ PlugFest template link was broken. so I've just fixed
   it. ]

   <inserted> [ also added the GitHub resources from Beijing f2f
   including the Test Coverage Table as well to the f2f wiki ]

   katsu: how can we sunchronize time zones with Osaka?

   <kaz> 7-hour difference (or rather 17-hour difference)

   <kaz> 9am US Pacific is 2am+1d in Japan

   mkovatsc: 7 hours difference (17 hours ahead) will need to
   choose morning or afternoon, which is better?
   ... tentatively plan for afternoon

TD update

   <kaz> [24]TD minutes

     [24] https://www.w3.org/2017/01/25-wot-td-minutes.html

   sebastian: Dave gave overview of the work described in the
   email from last week
   ... would be interesting to see the use cases
   ... overview of open issues with TD
   ... need to get consensus on issues to close

   mkovatsc: some question about TD deliverables, there should be
   one deliverable from TD

Scripting update

   <kaz> [25]Scripting call summary


   mkovatsc: scripting TF

   johannes: sent email with conclusions from the last call
   ... would like to have a workshop and take a larger chunk of
   time to go through the current scripting API
   ... discussing split of work between IG and WG
   ... discussion of markdown document to collect all of the open
   questions and consolidate
   ... current API doesn't allow working with the semantic type, a
   new parameter was added to handle this
   ... there is an open PR

   mkovatsc: is there consensus to adopt this?

   johannes: would like to wait for feedback before adopting

   mkovatsc: will merge and add a note

   (no objections)

Communications update

   mkovatsc: topic communications TF

   kaz: no update


   mkovatsc: AOB?

   sebastian: visa still in progress, may need to participate

   mkovatsc: adjourned

   [ adjourned ]

   <mkovatsc> thanks for scribing, Michael!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [26]scribe.perl version
    1.148 ([27]CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/01/25 16:36:35 $

     [26] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [27] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 16:42:31 UTC