[wot] minutes - 18 January 2017

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, McCool!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                               WoT IG/WG

18 Jan 2017



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-irc


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster, Dave_Raggett,
          Kirby_Shabaga, Shadi_Abou-Zahra, Yongjing_Zhang,
          Takuki_Kamiya, McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Darko_Anicic,
          Matthias_Kovatsch, DarkoAnicic, Ari_Keranen,
          Masato_Ohura, Yingying_Chen, Takeshi_Yamada,
          Katsuyoshi_Naka, Kazuaki_Nimura, Keiichi_Tokuyama,
          Uday_Davuluru, sebastian_kaebisch, George_Velas,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Ryuichi_Matsukura

          Matthias, Yongjing



     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Agenda bashing
         2. [6]WoT Ontology
         3. [7]F2F Logistics
         4. [8]TD Update
         5. [9]Comm TF summary
     * [10]Summary of Action Items
     * [11]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: McCool

Agenda bashing

   todo: add fernando serena (WoT ontology work) to agenda queue

   Fernando Serena <fserena@fi.upm.es>

   Darko can talk about ontology work

   also, McCool would like to announce time/date for OCF liaison
   meeting... Kaz to provide

   <mkovatsc> Updated


WoT Ontology


     [13] http://iot.linkeddata.es/def/wot/index-en.html

   Darko: ontology explanation...

   has been in contact with them, WoT ontology developed

   formalize in RDF the model behind TD

   with some additions for "horizontal layer"

   Darko's point of view: they are aware of iot.schema.org, but
   didn't build on it...

   better for Fernando to present, Darko to arrange

   Yongjing: developed under a european research project?

   Darko: yes, under an EU project, Vicinity

   project also have three domains: want to extend to mobility,
   smart homes

   <yongjing> Darko: and they also consider SAREF

   OCF mtg Tuesday 8am Eastern Time, 2pm Europe

   <kaz> [ webex coordinate to be sent to the member list later ]

   McCool: goal, want to be able to send it off...

   McCool to make sure OCF TF charter is in github

   <kaz> kaz: can add the webex info to the telco wiki as well:

     [14] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_WebConf#WebConf_Information

   Kaz to make a wiki entry for meeting info...

F2F Logistics

   F2F logistics... registration looks good now

   also, today is deadline to register for hotel...

   <kaz> [15]registration results

     [15] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2F201602/results



   800.345.1554 with code 1702INTELC as an alternative

   is breakfast included? seems to be via booking .com

   how do we handle registrations for people who just want to
   attend the open day?

   A: ask people to register, but select "other" and note will
   only be coming to "open day" on Jan 6

   Dave_Raggett: observers?

   OK, with chairs

   <inserted> kaz: SAP is a W3C Member and agree great to have
   them there if it's OK by the Chairs.

   Dave: first step to recruit to group; also good to have SAP

   also oneM2M community members may attend, at least on open day

   there is no restriction to people in Bay Area; everyone is

   registration: badges... should we print in advance? No, but can
   have people write out own badges...

   McCool: will check with Cindy to see if she can organize badges

   Note again: everyone who attends should register

   <scribe> ACTION: Kaz to add question about affiliation to
   registration questionnaire [recorded in

     [17] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action01]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-86 - Add question about affiliation
   to registration questionnaire [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due

   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to add OCF liaison charter to github as
   a pull request [recorded in

     [18] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action02]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-87 - Add ocf liaison charter to
   github as a pull request [on Michael McCool - due 2017-01-25].

   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to ask Cindy and/or Ryan to look into a
   suitable hotel for a social dinner on Monday, aim for 2/3 of
   attendees [recorded in

     [19] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action03]

   <trackbot> Error finding 'ask'. You can review and register
   nicknames at <[20]http://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/track/users>.

     [20] http://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/track/users

   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to ask Cindy if she can help organize
   badges [recorded in

     [21] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action05]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-89 - Ask cindy if she can help
   organize badges [on Michael McCool - due 2017-01-25].

   any updates on who we can invite to open day?

   updates from google (physical web, android, brillo/android
   things), ARM, etc.

   how many? 4-5 is ok, as long as they make sense

   Michael Koster to also do some outreach

   others: Apple, Amazon

   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to look into Amazon [recorded in

     [22] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action06]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-90 - Look into amazon [on Michael
   McCool - due 2017-01-25].

   <scribe> ACTION: Dave to also look into Amazon [recorded in

     [23] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action07]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-91 - Also look into amazon [on Dave
   Raggett - due 2017-01-25].

   <dsr> I would like to ping Dan Brickley (schema.org) and Matt
   McNeil (Google cloud platform), and to loop tjhis through Max
   Senges and Matthias.

   <dsr> I am also interested in inviting Apple and Amazon, but
   lack contacts in Amazon.

   Note: if someone else contacts someone at Google, please ask
   them to coordinate with Max Senges

   <dsr> For Apple, we could talk with their AC Rep

   <scribe> ACTION: Dave to look through list of W3C members
   [recorded in

     [24] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action08]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-92 - Look through list of w3c members
   [on Dave Raggett - due 2017-01-25].

   <kaz> [25]WoT outreach targets (Member-only)

     [25] https://www.w3.org/2016/07/WoT-outreach.html

   <kaz> [26]Automotive outreach targets (Member-only)

     [26] https://www.w3.org/2016/11/auto-outreach.html

   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to talk to some people from OpenFog
   [recorded in

     [27] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action09]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-93 - Talk to some people from openfog
   [on Michael McCool - due 2017-01-25].

   Dave: IIC

   <scribe> ACTION: Dave to talk to IIC and OPC [recorded in

     [28] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action10]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-94 - Talk to iic and opc [on Dave
   Raggett - due 2017-01-25].

   mattias: JSON-LD

   JSON Schema - good time to engage

   Michael Koster: Gerant Liu, JSON Schema, new charter

   going beyond just validation

   can refer to github

TD Update

   <kaz> [29]TD minutes

     [29] https://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-td-minutes.html



   plugfest: details missing


     [31] https://github.com/json-schema-org/json-schema-spec

   concrete scenarios...

   <mkovatsc> Test list from Beijing:


   please fill out table on PlugFest wiki page...

   <kaz> i|Test List|->
   a,_Beijing#Scenario Scenario table from the Beijing f2f|


   <scribe> ACTION: McCool to talk to Zoltan about what he's
   bringing [recorded in

     [34] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action11]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-95 - Talk to zoltan about what he's
   bringing [on Michael McCool - due 2017-01-25].

   <kaz> [35]PlugFest table on the Santa Clara f2f wiki


   Michael Koster is putting together a "virtual thing"

   testing: how to do?

   can pair up devices, one in client role, one in server role

   generally need a more structured approach

   let's add a breakout session for "testing planning"



   version of current practices document for reference at
   plugfest... will be released as interest group note after

   note: santa clara version will still be updated until the
   plugfest... call for reviews now, feedback deadline would be
   Feb 6

   Dave: publishing the Current Practice document as an official
   W3C Group Note is helpful for publicity

   kaz: suggest use github version for now, then publish note
   after debugging

   then we use Current Practice document from Santa Clara to

   then we all take actions to promote it

Comm TF summary

   next item: communication TF summary

   Michael, Yingying, and Kaz

   global work + local recruitment

   kaz: news on w3c page, sending messages to mailing lists,
   targeted messaging to particular groups

   yingying: for 2018 F2F, discussed security conference... IEEE
   S&P Conference looks to be appropriate

   top-ranked, in SF area, expect it to be week of may 20-26 based
   on previous years

   Yingying will contact organizers

   yingying: keep the Comm TF timeslot to discuss items "on
   request", as agenda items arise, but a regular meeting does not
   seem to work well

   kaz: have a standing agenda item for communication in last 5-10

   of IG plenary

   <scribe> ACTION: yingying to maintain agenda items for
   communication at end of IG plenary agenda [recorded in

     [37] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action13]

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-97 - Maintain agenda items for
   communication at end of ig plenary agenda [on Yingying Chen -
   due 2017-01-25].

   dave: agenda request for next week: draft for a semantics TF
   charter, want to have something for discussion by next week

   co-chairs meeting has also been decided... Kaz will send
   details; 10am in Europe, 6pm in Japan, Wednesday

   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Kaz to add question about affiliation to
   registration questionnaire [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to add OCF liaison charter to github as a
   pull request [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to ask Cindy and/or Ryan to look into a
   suitable hotel for a social dinner on Monday, aim for 2/3 of
   attendees [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to ask Cindy if she can help organize
   badges [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Dave to also look into Amazon [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to look into Amazon [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Dave to look through list of W3C members
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to talk to some people from OpenFog
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Dave to talk to IIC and OPC [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: McCool to talk to Zoltan about what he's bringing
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: yingying to maintain agenda items for
   communication at end of IG plenary agenda [recorded in

     [38] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action01
     [39] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action02
     [40] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action03
     [41] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action05
     [42] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action07
     [43] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action06
     [44] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action08
     [45] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action09
     [46] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action10
     [47] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action11
     [48] http://www.w3.org/2017/01/18-wot-minutes.html#action13

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [49]scribe.perl version
    1.148 ([50]CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/01/19 05:02:34 $

     [49] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [50] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Thursday, 19 January 2017 05:23:34 UTC