[GitHub] Organizing the repository

Von: Hund, Johannes [mailto:johannes.hund@siemens.com]

@All: should we have a folder under current-practices for proposals/discussion bases?

How about a “proposals” folder in the root? Once we have consensus, we can move it to the corresponding well-known folder. So far, concrete bins such as the task forces or Architecture vs Current Practices did not work out well. It always took us a while to see where it fits…

I will need another folder soon for the protocol binding topic, so it would be good to agree on something soon :)

Can we also delete the “plugfest” folder?
It is outdated, and hence confusing.

Can we rename ucr-doc to something less cryptic?
And the README still says “and technology landscape”…
Would need some help for the build script update…


Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 15:47:56 UTC