Re: [TPAC15] Plugfest preparation

Dear All,

Anyone can have the simple TR testing now.

1) TD registration (POST method, you need to send your own TD JSON-LD format)

2) TE asset (POST method, you need to send TE JSON format)

3) SPARQL Query about registered All TD (POST method, you don't need any input)

4) SPARQL Query about protocol type (GET method, protocol parameter - HTTP, CoAP, WS …)

5) detailed Thing Information  (GET method, Thing’s name parameter)

Best Regards,

— Jonathan Jeon

2015. 10. 29., 오전 11:36, 전종홍 <<>> 작성:

Dear All,

We have finished two modification for Plugfest.
 - TD registration to our Semantic TR(Thing Registry) server via RESTful POST method
 - TE assert to our Semantic TR server via RESTful POST method
 - can make SPARQL query about registered TD
 - can make reasoning based on TD & TE

Now, we’re trying to finish remained modification for simple demo before lunch time.
  - example of RESTful simple SPARQL query (registered all of TD, name, protocol)

If we have finish the all of planned modification, I will announce its RESTful URLs.

Please let me know if you have any idea or suggestion.

Best Regards,

— Jonathan Jeon

2015. 10. 28., 오후 12:07, 전종홍 <<>> 작성:

Dear All,

I’m trying to modify our TR(Thing Registry) server for Plugfest.

I guess I can finalize this modification late today afternoon.
So I think it would be better to make the cross-test after tomorrow morning.

My modifications are as below:
- modify the TR semantic store model for JSON-LD
- can be store our JSON-LD files to ETRI’s TR
- can be post our JSON-LD files to ETRI’s TR by RESTful interface
- can be make simple semantic query via RESTful interface
- reference & use to current ontology model from wot github
- try to make some logic for semantic processing using stored JSON-LD

Please let me know if you have any idea or suggestion.

Best Regards,

— Jonathan Jeon

2015. 10. 28., 오전 11:43, Kaebisch, Sebastian <<>> 작성:

Dear Naoki-san,

thank you for sharing your information. It would be great if can also add your information about your demo for the plugfest on the wiki page:,_Sapporo,_Japan#Preparation_Tests

If you need some help don't hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: 関口直紀 []
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2015 09:33
An: 전종홍;
Cc: Hund, Johannes; Kazuyuki Ashimura; Nimura, Kazuaki; Soumya Kanti Datta;
Bassbouss, Louay; Kaebisch, Sebastian
Betreff: Re: [TPAC15] Plugfest preparation

Hi All,

I'm naoki sekiguchi belonging to MozOpenHard project.

These are document[1] and client node application[2] for my demo.




On 2015/10/27 9:48, 전종홍 wrote:
Hi All,

Attached files are posters and demo scenario about our demo.

1)  CoMUS Semantic Thing Registry - It will show the semantic queries
about thing’s relationship and its results that described in JSON-LD.
2)  WoT.js Application Framework for Open Source Hardware - It will show
a Smart Home scenarios using WoT Home Kit which consist of WoT.js  application
framework, open source hardwares(BeagleBone Black, Raspberry Pi, Intel Edison)
and various sensor/actuators.


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Received on Thursday, 29 October 2015 04:22:13 UTC