Re: [whatwg] Accessing local files with JavaScript portably and securely

On 11 Apr 2017, at 19:50, Patrick Dark <> wrote:

> The "world wide web" is the user-facing portion of the Internet. Files
> on a CD or USB drive are not part of that.

You are continuing to dodge this problem by redefining the WHAT WG's
responsibilities. Please don't do that.

If you can't take my word for it, how about the inventor of the
web itself? <>
(Thanks to a correspondent, who I presume prefers to remain unnamed,
for sending this to me off-list.)

As the divinely-appointed guardians of the HTML spec, the responsibility
of the WHAT WG is to ensure that HTML is a useful platform for documents
and applications wherever HTML files can be opened from, whether that's
HTTP(S), FTP, or local files. Where 'the web' starts and stops in this
spectrum of possible protocols is of no import.

On that note I also see that the Fetch API has stubbed out the
specification of file: and ftp: URL semantics for definition in the
future at <>.

dpk (David P. Kendal) · Nassauische Str. 36, 10717 DE ·
    In politics, obedience and support are the same thing.
                                                   — Hannah Arendt

Received on Friday, 14 April 2017 16:58:34 UTC