Re: WebVR Working Group charter under W3C AC review

Hi Brandon,

Le 12/07/2017 à 01:01, Brandon Jones a écrit :
> I am not aware of any active members of the community group who have 
> expressed that we want to move forward with the creation of a
> working group. I know you have brought this up a few times and I
> apologize that we have not always been very prompt about responding,
> but given the lack of expressed intent from the group, I'm not sure
> why this charter was submitted.

Several active members of the group have actually expressed that intent;
I know of one who does not want for this to happen right now, and know
of other less clear positions. Part of the reason for starting this
Advisory Committee review is to get greater clarity on the path forward.

While I personally hope it will show such a path forward now, it is
certainly not the end of the world if what we learn through this review
is that this is not the right time yet and what conditions would make it
"the right time".

Since I have heard several members supporting the idea of having a WebVR
WG meeting in TPAC, the only way to make it happen in good conditions is
to have clarity on the existence of such a group over the summer, hence
the timing of this review.


Received on Wednesday, 12 July 2017 06:39:00 UTC