Re: Summary of "What is missing for building real services" thread

2014/1/17 cowwoc <>:
> Iñaki,
> I don't know why you seem to feel so threatened by this proposal. I'm simply
> highlighting the fact that authors of native WebRTC applications and
> headless servers have a need for such a library.

In which language? C, C++, Java, Go ?

> Whether I personally work
> on it or not does not invalidate that point. I'm bringing it to the
> community's attention and we'll see where it goes from here. If nothing
> happens, so be it, but at least interested parties see that they're not
> alone. We are in a better place to collaborate with each other once we see
> who else is interested.

Ok, but we cannot say "if nobody does it then WebRTC cannot success".

Iñaki Baz Castillo

Received on Saturday, 18 January 2014 20:52:49 UTC