Re: Mistake (mine) when doing priority API PR management

​FYI, I had a PR the same day (last Friday):

And I posted it to the list.  I just messed up the link I posted to the
list :).  That has been fixed now.​

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 2:04 AM, Harald Alvestrand <>

> Hi,
> in conversation with Cullen and Peter in Prague, it turns out I made a
> stupid mistake when picking PRs to merge over the priority API.
> The criterion I used to pick was the list consensus that people wanted a
> "modify all settings" API, not a "change this attribute" API to the
> RTPsender. This part was OK.
> But I completely missed the fact that  Cullen's PR contained all the
> text that defined our four levels of priority and what they should mean
> (including an enum for them), and that Peter's PR contained a simple
> integer - which is *not* consistent with previous discussions.
> Peter promised at the Friday get-together Dan and I had with him to put
> togheter a PR that would make the Right THing happen.
> Mea culpa.
> Harald
> --
> Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Thursday, 30 July 2015 20:34:36 UTC