Mistake (mine) when doing priority API PR management


in conversation with Cullen and Peter in Prague, it turns out I made a
stupid mistake when picking PRs to merge over the priority API.

The criterion I used to pick was the list consensus that people wanted a
"modify all settings" API, not a "change this attribute" API to the
RTPsender. This part was OK.

But I completely missed the fact that  Cullen's PR contained all the
text that defined our four levels of priority and what they should mean
(including an enum for them), and that Peter's PR contained a simple
integer - which is *not* consistent with previous discussions.

Peter promised at the Friday get-together Dan and I had with him to put
togheter a PR that would make the Right THing happen.

Mea culpa.


Surveillance is pervasive. Go Dark.

Received on Thursday, 30 July 2015 09:04:59 UTC