Community Telcon 20 September 2014 Notes

Hi All,

Here are a few notes on the informal discussion we had during the
community meeting.

@Paul, can you tell me if the pointers I’m giving are clear enough or if
I should improve the instructions.

# Presences

* Paul
* Renoir
* Amelia
* Eliot

No quorum, it was an informal talk.

# 1. Doc Sprint to focus on HTML related content

It has been discussed that the DocSprint would focus on html related

ACTION: Renoir, Listing the pages that are close to be "Ready to use"
(a.k.a. "low hanging fruits") so Paul could add to their shared document
to flag who’s working on what.

# 2. Doc Sprint to look out after missing compatibility tables

Participants could help us show compatibility data by adjusting the data
in the webplatform/compatibility-data github repo [0].

What can be done:

- If a given page has no table, find in repository [0], make changes in
the topic and feature keys, and make a pull request

ACTION: Paul, validate if the directives in [1] are clear enough to
start contributing/adjusting the compatibility data.

# 3. Notes server is coming soon

We got an update from the folks so we can upgrade our
current deployment.

* A few features are still missing for full SSO integration (they are
still working on it)

ACTION: Renoir, to test with IE 10, IE 11 if the annotation works



Renoir Boulanger  |  Developer operations engineer
W3C  |  Web Platform Project  ✪  @renoirb

Received on Tuesday, 30 September 2014 17:58:02 UTC