Hi all,
this is a brief announcement for the upcoming #WPDS around @btconf #btweb http://2014.beyondtellerrand.com/ in Düsseldorf, Germany, which will be announced with a save-the-date later today for Sunday, May 18, 9:30am to 20:00pm.
We are currently working out the details such as location and stewards-experts. Community heroes that already committed in staffing the event include:
Paul Verbeek @hierow, Rodney Rehm @rodneyrehm, Christian Schaefer @derSchepp, Hans Christian Reinl @drublic, Sven Wolfermann @maddesigns, Pascal Szewczyk @derPepo and my partner in crime in running the event, Marc Thiele @marcthiele @btconf.
We are targeting 70 attendees. To not exceed a 8:1 ratio we're looking for at least three more WPDS-experts, one expert each from Google, Microsoft and Mozilla - volunteers welcome!
Adobe has backed the event so the basic cost such as location and food is covered. We are still looking for other stewards to join us in sponsoring - as we are looking to make this the first open air Doc Sprint including an all day BBQ :) we are still looking primarily for your financial support (Steaks and Sausages in FF/IE/Chrome-Logoshapes are welcome as well! :)).
Stay tuned for more details, and a call to action to help promote.