Batch upload to test wiki

Another batch was uploaded to the test wiki for javascript pages.

JS Syntax form editing (Formats, Values) doesn't work: do I need to 
reformat something to activate it?

Added {{Basic Page}} to the bottom of every page to enable semantic form 

Empty "See Also" sections at the bottom were removed: trivial to add 
later if content is born.

The original has three variations for return value.  The first variation 
makes return type a named parameter.  The second variation is to use a 
single sentence in a "==Return Value==" section (which we just made look 
like another parameter named "Return value").  The third variation we 
could not automate, because it is one or more paragraphs discussing the 
return value. We will simply have to edit those by hand.  Pages to thus 
be edited to add a new parameter named "return value" based on the 
remarks section:

A minor glitch exists in the Examples_Section template, if the first 
line begins with a space, it doesn't convey the preformatted for that 
first line only, example:

|Examples= var a, b, c, d;
  a = new Array(1,2,3);}}

The first line "var a, b, c, d;" shows as normal wiki text, and the 
second line "a = new Array(1,2,3);" shows up as preformatted. Workaround 
is adding an artificial (non-preformatted) line.

Received on Sunday, 19 January 2014 21:15:55 UTC