Re: Color index

Hi, Lea-

For future reference, we also have some of this info on our dedicated 
logo page:


On 3/27/13 1:53 PM, Lea Verou wrote:
> Hi there,
> I didn’t find a color index in an easily accessible place in the wiki (I
> know there's one in the PDFs, but I wanted something easy to access with
> the CSS color formats most commonly needed) so I made one [1], as I
> frequently need one and I end up picking them from the logo SVG or
> through dev tools, which is tedious. Hope it’s useful to others too.
> [1]:
> Lea Verou
> W3C developer relations
> ✿ @leaverou

Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2013 21:17:42 UTC