What to do with CSS properties that have been renamed?

This issue is more prevalent with flexbox. Several properties have been renamed over and over during the Working Drafts stage. For example, flex-align to align-items.

Do we keep separate pages for these, telling people not to use them in the summary and what they’ve been renamed to (such as here [1]) or do we redirect to the newest name, adding a note with older names?

I used to do the former so far in my cleanup, but it just dawned on me that the latter might be a better approach.

[1]: http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/css/properties/-ms-flex-item-align

Lea Verou
W3C developer relations
http://w3.org/people/all#leahttp://lea.verou.me ✿ @leaverou

Received on Saturday, 20 July 2013 19:38:39 UTC