Re: External Sources of Copy

[+ jswisher as a Mozilla MDN representative as an FYI]

Thanks for calling this out!

The vast majority of content on WPD came from a generous donation by
Microsoft to bootstrap the site, so the fact that a lot of the content
comes from MSDN is expected.

Our guidelines for external attribution are documented here: . Does the
article follow those guidelines (sorry, I'd check but I'm running to a


On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Sarah Forst <>wrote:

> Hi -
> Apologies for all of the questions, but I had some concerns about content
> reuse on the page I'm editing:
> which I signed up
> for last web platform wednesday but discovered someone else had already
> filled out the content.
> A large portion of the content from:
>, and I think some
> of the other content is from Microsoft.
> It's my understanding that since web platform is associated with the w3c,
> reusing content from there is okay, but it seems somewhat dubious to me to
> take content word for word from mozilla and microsoft. There is an
> attribution at the bottom:
> "*This article contains content originally from external sources.*
> Portions of this content come from the Mozilla Developer Network [image:
> cc-by-sa-small-wpd.svg]<>
> : Article <>
> Portions of this content come from the Microsoft Developer Network: Windows
> Internet Explorer API reference Article<>
> "
> But to me, attributions like that should only be used for quoted sections,
> not the majority of a documents copy. What is the policy on this for web
> platform?
> Thanks,
> Sarah

Received on Thursday, 18 July 2013 15:33:21 UTC