Re: HTML links - beginner's material

On 29 Apr 2013, at 19:41, "David R. Herz" <> wrote:

> I live in Israel +2 hours on you and am Sabbath observant; so I can't do the
> weekly meeting.  I have no problem doing late.

Ok, cool. So if Doug and others from the US want to join, I'd suggest having it at 5pm my time, 7pm your time at the earliest.

May 8-10 is fairly free for me

May 13 and 16 are also ok.

Any of those good for you?

> My suggestion is that we
> schedule a time, say two weeks out.  I'd like to spend some more time with
> your Beginner Test pages.  We'll work up lists in the meantime as to what we
> see, exchange them a day or two before, and then we'll at least have some
> idea of what we consider the relevant talking points to map our way forward.

Sounds good.

Received on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 08:39:13 UTC