RE: HTML links - beginner's material

I live in Israel +2 hours on you and am Sabbath observant; so I can't do the
weekly meeting.  I have no problem doing late.  My suggestion is that we
schedule a time, say two weeks out.  I'd like to spend some more time with
your Beginner Test pages.  We'll work up lists in the meantime as to what we
see, exchange them a day or two before, and then we'll at least have some
idea of what we consider the relevant talking points to map our way forward.

David R. Herz

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Mills [] 
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: HTML links - beginner's material

On 25 Apr 2013, at 08:13, David R. Herz <> wrote:

> Would you like to set up a time to talk, or arrange a conference call of
all interested parties on this?  I think it would be a good idea if we
nailed down the architecture of the beginner sections and how they relate to
the non-beginner/advanced sections, and perhaps set up an index and trouble
shooting guide, which I can populate as I go, and then we can build in the
links to the various syntaxes references later.

It sounds like this would be a good idea. When is a good time for you? I am
in the UK, and Doug and most of the other organizers are in the US, so
between -4 and -7. We generally have a weekly meeting on Fridays at 5pm UK
time, in which different points are brought up. We could put it on the
agenda for that meeting, or just have a separate meeting. I am happy to do
either. Perhaps the latter would be best, and then one of us could report
our findings back to the group at large?

Received on Monday, 29 April 2013 18:41:53 UTC