Re: Contribution Options (was: Changes in Site Notice)

Hi, Antonio! Great to have you on board!

As I just told Greg, if you're interested in helping us with the CSS
properties project, see the guide here:

The Summary section should provide you with the prereqs and high-level

And please let us know how you're doing. We do continually review and (try
to) improve the getting-stared experience.



From:  Antonio Laguna <>
Date:  Saturday, April 27, 2013 2:57 PM
To:  Doug Schepers <>
Cc:  Greg Whitworth <>, WebPlatform Community
<>, julee <>
Subject:  Re: Contribution Options (was: Changes in Site Notice)

Hi there!

I think I've introduced myself but received no response so far. I'm sure
you'll be really busy but I would really like to help since I work daily
with HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well :-)

Where could I lead my efforts?


Antonio Laguna Matías

2013/4/27 Doug Schepers <>
> Hi, Greg-
> On 4/27/13 4:49 PM, Greg Whitworth wrote:
>> I'm very interested in helping in any way needed. Article tech review,
>> writing new articles, code examples, testing, etc. Just let me know what
>> you guys need.
> Your enthusiasm is awesome, thanks!
> I see from your Twitter bio that you are into PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript.
> We aren't doing PHP docs, but we are certainly doing the rest.
> Right now, we are still gearing up for integrating our JS docs, but while
> we've got some bottlenecks (notably the proper page templates for JS docs).
> But we've got plenty to do around CSS! Julee (from Adobe) is probably the best
> person to direct you. We need content, examples, and review for specific CSS
> properties. Julee, what is highest on your priorities for Greg (and others) to
> dig into?
> Regards-
> -Doug

Received on Saturday, 27 April 2013 22:33:11 UTC