WebPlatform.org meeting in 15 minutes

Updated agenda for the webplatform.org meeting in 15. See you there!

Time: Fridays, 16:00 UTC / Noon ET / 9:00 PT.
Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
Conference code: 3627 ("DOCS")
VOIP:  sip:zakim@w3.org
IRC Channel: webplatform-site
Willing to scribe? Please speak up at the beginning of the meeting.


* April 3 Doc Sprint
** How was it?
* A lot of meetings next week
** Community
** Analytics
** Programming
* Closing out some items
** [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/2013Apr/0121.html
Forum dependencies] - completion date?
** [http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/2013Apr/0090.html
Translation URL schema] (http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/lang/es/Main_Page)
- decision final?
** [http://project.webplatform.org/infrastructure/issues/1 Session bug] is
gone again! Is this issue closed?
* Anyone want to share any status on any project? Can we get completion
** CSS Properties project
** Project.* project
** Global nav project
** [http://project.webplatform.org/content/issues/41 Beginners guide] to web
dev - Status from Chris: created all of the [[TEST:beginners|landing pages]]
and writing updated text for the landing page
** Populating news email list with
[[WPD:Projects/Communications/Universities|university contacts]]
*** Fellowships, interships, mentoring programs for students
*** Please gather university contacts to add to an announce email list
* Anything blocking you from creating great content?
* Any new or notable content to promote?


Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 15:48:19 UTC