*DRAFT* Seeking CSS Review of Web Platform Docs

Hi, folks-

I've felt uneasy about sending this "call for review", and I think I've 
figured out why... I think we should first discuss how we are going to 
organize and track review from CSS folks, to make sure that it's 
systematic and actionable.

Can we discuss this during the call today?


Hi, folks-

You may have heard of WebPlatform.org, our community-driven, 
multi-stakeholder effort to make a reusable, vendor-neutral "Wikipedia 
for Web Developers and Designers".

We're still in alpha phase, but we have been focused on improving our 
CSS documentation, through the efforts of individuals in the community 
and representatives from the companies involved. We are now at the point 
where we would like to get review and sanity checks from CSS aficionados 
and experts. And where better to find them than on www-style?

If you are willing to review even one page, that would be a great help. 
We welcome general comments, as well as comments on:
* correctness and validity of information
* completeness of information
* usability and structure of articles (too much information? not enough? 
presented in the wrong order?)
* general utility of presentation

If you also find yourself correcting mistakes and even creating 
examples, tutorials, or articles... so much the better!

If you are willing to participate in this review, please get in touch 
with Julee Burdekin (CCed), who will be coordinating the review to make 
sure that the right articles get the right amount and type of review.

If you know others who would be willing to do this review, please feel 
free to pass this email along!

After we incorporate your review and have solid docs, we will ask for a 
second round of review from the editors of the specification themselves, 
to make sure that we have captured the nuances of the features.

Once the documentation is refined and polished, the main task will be 
updating it with new information and new technologies. At this point, it 
will be much easier to manage and to get help from spec editors and 
working groups in guiding doc development for emerging specs, which will 
in turn make it easier for you (and an even wider set of designers and 
developers) to be informed about these new technologies and to learn how 
to use them... and to provide feedback into the functionality.

We are very excited by the prospect of having this active, living 
feedback loop, and we hope you can help us make it happen.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Developer Relations Lead

Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 15:24:29 UTC