Re: Content TF Meeting today 20:00 UTC / 15:00 ET / Noon PT.

Thanks much, Janet!

Here are the summary notes, also posted on the Content TF page: (Please let me know of any corrections.)

==Agenda 2012-12-13==
* Roll call
* Review of open action items
* Triage of new content architecture issues
** All [ content bugs] are assigned to either Chris or Garbee. Do we want to re-assign some of them?
* Top-level navigation and design update from Chris Mills
** [ Main landing page prototypes completed/subpage structures?/domain leads?]
** [ allow people to start their search by technology or page type]
** [ Different ways to browse]
* Anything blocking you from creating great content?

==Meeting summary==

* Note that the [ content bugs] are assigned to either Chris or Garbee. We wonder how do we spread these out to others? Maybe a larger issue than with just the content bugs?
* Discussed top-level pages sent out by Chris. We generally thought Chris's [ proposed pages] were excellent. Eliot volunteered to do an edit pass on the descriptions.
* We discussed the [ navigation proposals] (and [ Proposal for updating links on proposal for updating links]) that have been in the email list. We discussed the pros and cons of providing the reader with a choice of content type or topic area, via hover links on the global nav. We would appreciate a mock-up. We are not sure how the different proposals would actually pan out. Jswisher took the action to follow up in the email threads and request the next level of detail.
* We identified four priorities we're working on to make editing the site easier and hope to have this work completed by the new year:
** The global nav/landing pages, discussed above, that Chris Mills is working on
** The [ consolidation of editorial pages] that Garbee is working on
** Updating the Topic Hierarchy and Architecture pages that Julee is working on
** The [ session bug] that shepazu hopes will be resolved this weekend.
* The Content Task Force will not meet for the next two weeks. We will resume again 1/3/2013.

===Action Items===

* Julee to update Topic Hierarchy and Architecture pages.
* Julee to send out an email discussing how we should "take" and re-assign bugs to even the work out more.
* Eliot to do an editorial pass on the [ proposed top-level pages].
* Jswisher to request the next level of detail on the global nav and how the reader accesses the content types as well as the technology areas.
* LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to find out how to add a meeting bot to the Content TF Meeting.
** UPDATE: in progress
* LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to file a bug about the design of reference pages with a non-standard standardization status.
** UPDATE: needs to be revised: Julee to file a UI bug about the design of reference pages with non-stable status, so that they look distinct.
* LAST WEEK ACTION: Garbee to send out his awesome task organization plan
** UPDATE: still working on it


From: Janet Swisher <<>>
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:52 PM
To: "<>" <<>>
Subject: Re: Content TF Meeting today 20:00 UTC / 15:00 ET / Noon PT.
Resent-From: <<>>
Resent-Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:53 PM

On 12/13/12 11:25 AM, Julee Burdekin wrote:
Please join us for the Content Task Force meeting <> today 20:00 UTC / 15:00 ET / Noon PT.

Here is the IRC transcript:

julee_: Present
[2:02pm] scottrowe_: Present
[2:02pm] julee_:
[2:03pm] jswisher: julee_: chris mills has been doing a lot on IA at the top level this week
[2:03pm] julee_: Roll call
[2:03pm] julee_: Review of open action items
[2:03pm] jswisher: … we should go through that, and make sure we're on board
[2:03pm] julee_: Triage of new content architecture issues
[2:03pm] julee_: All content bugs are assigned to either Chris or Garbee. Do we want to re-assign some of them?
[2:03pm] julee_: Top-level navigation and design update from Chris Mills
[2:03pm] julee_: Main landing page prototypes completed/subpage structures?/domain leads?
[2:03pm] julee_: allow people to start their search by technology or page type
[2:03pm] julee_: Different ways to browse
[2:03pm] julee_: Anything blocking you from creating great content?
[2:04pm] jswisher: TOPIC: Action items
[2:04pm] julee_: LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to find out how to add a meeting bot to the Content TF Meeting.
[2:04pm] julee_: in progress
[2:05pm] julee_: LAST WEEK ACTION: Julee to file a bug about the design of reference pages with a non-standard standardization status.
[2:07pm] julee_: needs to be revised: Julee to file a UI bug about the design of reference pages with non-stable status, so that they look distinct.
[2:07pm] julee_: LAST WEEK ACTION: Eliot to update bug 20227 with pointer to the style guide he wrote
[2:07pm] julee_: DONE
[2:08pm] julee_: LAST WEEK ACTION: Garbee to send out his awesome task organization plan
[2:08pm] julee_: still working on it
[2:08pm] someprimetime left the chat room. (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[2:08pm] julee_: LAST WEEK ACTION: Scott and Peter to explore social media channels about next week's docsprint
[2:09pm] julee_: Resolved
[2:09pm] jswisher: TOPIC: Triage of new issues
[2:10pm] jswisher: julee_: Would prefer to go through Chris's work, rather than individual bugs
[2:10pm] jswisher: … notice that the Content bugs are assigned to either Chris or Garbee (
[2:11pm] jswisher: scottrowe_: Not sure what to do about that. Garbee especially has a lot on his plate. Don't want to burn him out
[2:11pm] jswisher: julee_: Need to encourage people to "take" bugs that are assigned to others
[2:12pm] jswisher: … and to reassign bugs that are assigned to them
[2:12pm] jswisher: … Should we bring this as process issue to the larger group?
[2:12pm] jswisher: ACTION: jules to raise bug triage/assignment to larger group
[2:13pm] jswisher: TOPIC: Top level navigation
[2:13pm] jswisher: julee_: I know Chris wants to get this sorted out before the holidays
[2:14pm] jswisher: Email thread from Chris:
[2:15pm] jswisher: Eliot: I'd like to take an editor's eye to them
[2:15pm] jswisher: ACTION: Eliot to do editorial review of descriptions on main page
[2:16pm] jswisher: julee_: Be sure to look for things like "Web" vs. "web"
[2:17pm] jswisher: julee_: Next thing is Icon proposal for WPD topics, that's great
[2:17pm] jswisher: …
[2:18pm] jswisher: … let people browse by tech, by tutorials, or by reference
[2:19pm] jswisher: scottrowe_: It's a reasonable way of addressing the different approaches
[2:20pm] julee_: jswisher isn't sure how this would shake out in practice
[2:23pm] jswisher: Eliot: somewhat similar to the topic listing on MDN
[2:24pm] • shepazu would scribe jswisher as having just said, "mmmnnn-meh…." in a frustrated tone
[2:25pm] jswisher: jswisher: Boils down to "I want to learn" or "I was to look something up"
[2:25pm] jswisher: julee_: the way the site is divvied up separates the material, how do we bring it back together?
[2:26pm] jswisher: jswisher: I'm not satisfied with this, but I don't have a better counterproposal
[2:27pm] jswisher: Eliot: We do have a top-level tutorials page; call that out in a link, to ensure it's visible
[2:28pm] jswisher: julee_: We can ask Chris to provide the next level of nav, so we can validate
[2:28pm] jswisher: Eliot: yes, let's mock something up
[2:29pm] jswisher: ACTION: jswisher to respond to email thread and ask for the next level of detail
[2:31pm] jswisher: julee_: Garbee is working on consolidating help pages for editors (~20 pages currently)
[2:31pm] jswisher: julee_: Chris is working on global nav experience
[2:32pm] jswisher: julee_: Julee is working on updating topic hierarchy and architecture pages
[2:32pm] jswisher: … Once we have those 3 areas done, we'll be in good shape to add more editors
[2:32pm] jswisher: … (plus the session bug)
[2:33pm] jswisher: shepazu: I have been working with Hello Veldt (MW consultants)
[2:34pm] jswisher: … Markus thinks he tracked down an issue with the skin's separation of resources
[2:34pm] jswisher: … Once that's resolved, Ryan will be able to upgrade, which should address the session problems
[2:34pm] mstalfoort left the chat room. (*.net *.split)
[2:34pm] Ryan_Lane left the chat room. (*.net *.split)
[2:35pm] jswisher: julee_: Any other blocks to editors working efficiently?
[2:35pm] jswisher: [no]

Janet Swisher<>
Mozilla Developer Network<>
Technical Writer/Community Steward

Received on Thursday, 13 December 2012 22:00:46 UTC