Re: WPWG Vendor Neutrality (was Re: Update on Web Payments Working Group)

RE: "That does not mean that we should give up now" ''Let's go through a
few more options,



RE: 'before suggesting that this work needs to be done elsewhere."

To situate my earlier comments, in many/most negotiations it's valuable to
be psychologically and pragmatically prepared to walk. In the core
reference on conflict resolution "Getting to Yes" [1], it's called your
BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) [2].


It's often useful to be up front and explicit about your BATNA so that the
other party can fully reflect on the consequences.

Joseph Potvin

On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Manu Sporny <>

> On 04/04/2016 06:49 AM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > My first question, is what wasnt Manu the chair of the group?  He is
> > eminently qualified.  I would have had much more confidence in
> > getting a world class spec to REC with him at the helm.
> Thank you for the vote of confidence, Melvin. Here's why I'm not a Chair
> nor should be one:
> Chairs are supposed to be completely neutral. If I were a chair, I (nor
> my company) could push the Web Payments Community Group views via
> proposed specs and change requests without coming across as partisan.
> That is, it would be very hard for me to represent the consensus
> position of this CG or to have any opinions of my company or my own.
> We went into the Web Payments Working Group with several specs based on
> what we thought the consensus position of the Web Payments Community
> Group was. We did our best to merge those specs with the browser vendors
> proposals and failed. That does not mean that we should give up now and
> look elsewhere. Let's go through a few more options, which we have,
> before suggesting that this work needs to be done elsewhere.
> > Recent conversations indicate to me that, familiarity with W3C
> > technologies such Linked Data, are not as strong I would like to see
> >  from a individuals guiding specifications.  This I would have
> > thought would be a pre requisite, especially for guiding
> > specification level decisions.
> Yes, but we can't force people to do their homework. :(
> > Is there some strange politics going on here?  The W3C is supposed
> > to be vendor neutral.  That's like the "prime directive".
> W3C is vendor neutral when the vendors have roughly equivalent captured
> market size. So, it's vendor neutral between the largest browser
> vendors. It is not vendor neutral between a large browser vendor and a
> community group.
> We should be under no presumption that we're on a level playing field.
> We are not. The thing that helps at W3C is that almost everything is
> done in public. So, if you don't like what you see, you have a voice:
> Log some issues, or pick an issue to comment on and track... remember
> that in order to be effective, you have to keep it focused,
> constructive, and suggest specific changes to specification text.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: The Web Browser API Incubation Anti-Pattern

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2016 21:00:05 UTC