Re: Deprecation Warnings for currencies used in transaction?

Replies from Melvin and Joseph gave me impression that I made my point 
quite unclear. Let me try again:

I don't expect Web Payments specs to take any opinionated position, but 
only provide clear way for people using it to express *their* 
opinion/intentions related to currencies they transfer. Let's maybe 
imagine adding generic property com:notice which com:Transaction could 
use, augmenting example from Web Payments spec:

    "type": "Transaction",
    "id": "",
    "amount": "7.65",
    "currency": "USD",
    "date": "2011-09-23T20:21:35Z",
        "type": "DeprecationWarning",

Having such external notice with only "@type" and "@id" embedded might 
already solve this challenge! I also assume here that transaction can 
only use single currency. Otherwise com:Transfer may fit better.

Now to clarify my intention once again and provide very precise use 
scenario: (possibly TL;DR)

To my understanding people using monetary currencies, based on 
particular fictional tokens (not present in physical reality, like all 
ISO 4217, Bitcoin, LETS etc.) when accepting them make assumption that 
someone later on will also accept those tokens from them in exchange for 
some real assets (present in physical reality). Such person *can't do 
anything else with such symbolic tokens other than transferring them to 
another peer*.

It only works as long as other people choose to keep accepting those 
particular types of fictional tokens. Once less and less people accept 
them they become less and less useful since number of people who accept 
them in return for some real assets decreases.

I would like to address scenarios like this one:

* Given Alice has 10 000USD on her one and only 'conventional' bank account
* And she already uses other available currencies (lets say outside of 
ISO 4217 realm)
* And she aims to completely quit using USD within next 6 months (DEPRECATE)

* When Alice transfers 50USD to another peer
* And she realizes that in 6 months she will not accept USD any more
* And she realizes that it will contribute to other people also finding 
USD less useful
* And she wants to *play fair*

* Then she honestly warns peer receiving this transfer of 50USD about 
her intentions and how they can affect this particular transfered currency
* And she syndicates her DeprecationWarning with various public trackers 
measuring popularity of given currencies

Hope I made myself easier to understand this time :)

On 01/02/2014 01:33 PM, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> Aloha o/
> I would like to work on recommendation explaining how to issue
> deprecation warnings for currencies of one's own choice. In case someone
> doesn't feel familiar with concept of deprecation, please just see
> article on Wikipedia[1]
> Big part of my work in last years focuses on supporting development of
> great diversity of currencies[2] with personal focus on non-monetary
> currencies. Personally I already deprecated use of monetary currencies
> over 4 years ago, and as various alternatives become more established I
> would see such move as something everyone might realistically consider
> to make!
> Now, to play it *fair*. I would like that people who still chose to use
> certain currencies (especially those specified in ISO 4217[3]), and
> already plan to quit using them in very near future, while doing so
> could issue proper deprecation warnings. Myself I will soon strictly
> require issuing such warnings in situations when someone uses any of ISO
> 4217 currencies, to acquire an asset with intention of making it
> available to me / projects I work on (eg. registering a domain name,
> buying train ticket etc.) I consider it *not fair* to transfer certain
> monetary currency, quit using it silently together with majority of
> other people, and this way leave the other peer with a virtual number
> now useless in practice...
> Looking at Web Payments: Commerce Vocabulary spec[4]. Transaction seems
> to me like a proper place to include such warnings. At this moment one
> could possibly only put it in plain old rdfs:comment[5] which has range
> of rdfs:Literal. I would prefer that each warning has proper IRI and
> links back to transaction (preferably even embedding it). Can we add
> such feature to Commerce Vocabulary or I should look for a way to
> shomehow extend it? PayeeRule also sounds like possible place to mention
> it as well!
> Thank you for all suggestions :)
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Received on Thursday, 2 January 2014 16:25:16 UTC