Re: any volunteers to chair the webid cg?

st 8. 11. 2023 v 20:05 odesílatel Sebastian Hellmann <> napsal:

> Hi all,
> I am considering to apply as chair at the moment. I previously was
> involved in the RDB2RDF XG Group that lead to R2RML, then the W3C
> standards ITS-2.0  and SHACL as well as previously chairing the BPMLOD
> Community Group [1]. However,  before I apply, I would like to clarify
> 1. goals as well as the 2. the WebID definition.
> Especially 2. definition is a hard blocker IMHO. There seems to be a lot
> of confusion about every point here and the lack of foundation seems to
> make it very difficult to reach consensus in any way (also lack of clear
> goals and defined use cases).
> # What is a WebID?
> Maybe we can start with a simple question. Regarding
> does WebID require point
> 1 , 1&2  or 1&2&3.
> I would probably consider point 1 to be sufficient as identification and
> even allow URNs.  Although, the "Web" in WebID implies that it SHOULD or
> MUST be on the web.
> # Identifier vs. Identity vs. Person
> webid:Person is mapped to foaf:Person at the moment. <#me> a foaf:Person
> means that <#me> is the identifier, that identifies a real-world
> person.  So the identifier and actual person is clear. But where or what
> is actually the "identity"? Semantically, I understand "identification"
> . Does this follow some logical school or framework with a definition?
> Or is it just implicitly assumed that the Person and the Web Identity
> are the same thing, although one is digital and one is physical (so
> possibly not identical) and both are identified by the same identifier.

Sorry, didnt reply to this before:


The WebID CG is very short on resources, so anyone willing to volunteer
would be a big plus to us.  You are obviously highly qualified, and askw is
one of the most productive teams in the semantic web.

It sounds like Jacopo has a specific goal that he wants to achieve, and you
would like to think more into the future.  Which is a great combination.

If you decide to volunteer, and the group has no objections, that seems
like a sustainable path, but it seems maybe there's not a big rush.

> -- Sebastian
> [1]
> On 11/8/23 15:42, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> > i believe it's a requirement of cg to have at least one chair
> >
> > since a few people are still active, I was wondering if anyone has
> > time to chair the group
> >
> > that could also make work items easier
> >
> > if not, the group will likely close in due course

Received on Wednesday, 15 November 2023 06:22:00 UTC