Re: WOFF 2.0: Known Table Tags Proposal

After discussion with David Berlow about the intended use of the EPAR 
table, I think we can remove it from the WOFF 2.0 known table tags list. 
David has confirmed that Font Bureau is not currently shipping fonts 
with this table, and also that he doesn't think it would make sense to 
include the table in web fonts:

	Where it belongs, what the metadata was developed
	for, is to live in source fonts and be presented
	during the type shopping and selection processes
	to guide people and software to the "right" font
	file. Conversely when applied to a database of fonts
	so presented, it gives observant software metadata
	data about a document, or a website's font selections.

	None of this data need end up in the served fonts of
	any format, because there is no need for the space to
	be taken up at that point, and no one is ever gonna
	see or use it with the possible exception of a single,
	possibly very specific permission. Thus, I could be
	wrong, but putting it in WOFF seems like the waiter
	presenting recommended specials as s/he thankfully
	hands you your dinner bill, and I would make no case
	for it there.


Received on Saturday, 12 April 2014 18:52:46 UTC