
Hi All,

My primary interest in this WG is moving the Web Events specification 
forward and I think Doug's 4-layer conceptual framework provides a good 
basis to start discussions.

As we begin our work, I think it would be useful to flesh out our 
Problem Statement. For example: what exactly is the interoperability 
problem(s) we want to address, what are the standardization gaps we want 
to fill, what prior art (e.g. specs, deployments) is relevant, etc.  
Additionally, inputs on Use Cases and Requirements are welcome (as Cathy 
has already done).

Our Charter's Out of Scope section identifies constraints regarding 
"normative" material. However, the topics above (UCs, reqs, landscape, 
etc.) are "non-normative" and as such, the charter's gesture constraint 
does not necessarily bind us for these non-normative topics.

I am looking forward to others' introductions and getting this work started.

-Art Barstow

Received on Saturday, 27 November 2010 15:04:21 UTC