Re: Curriculum structures up on the Wiki!

Here's the URL for that HTML5 intro.

I changed the references to XHTML (where appropriate) on Web Design I and II
courses. I added some HTML 5 books as resources to the Web Design I course.
I think we should do the same with the Web Design II course, but will defer
to Aarron on what he would like to add there.


Doug Schepers wrote:

> Hi, Virginia-
> On 12/9/11 11:42 AM, Virginia DeBolt wrote:
>>>> I note that the term "(X)HTML" is used widely throughout the curriculum; we
>>>> may wish to change to the term "HTML", if we consider that a current best
>>>> practice.
>>> We are using HTML5 as the markup standard throughout the rest of the
>>> material,
>>> so yes, we should change it to HTML, imo, for consistency's sake.
>> I would be willing to go through the Web Design I&  II courses to change
>> (X)HTML to HTML.
> That would be great!
> In general, there are places where an author may have actually meant
> XHTML (e.g. referring to specific well-formedness or validity
> constraints), but I don't know if that occurs in any of the InterACT
> stuff... I leave it to your judgment.
>> I also want to point out that I created an introductory HTML5 module that
>> was never published on the site, but it is
>> ready to go on the WaSP EduTF wiki. I can provide the URL if you want it.
> That would be fantastic!  We have a lot of HTML5 reference material, but
> not a curriculum module.  (Of course, we will want to continue to
> coordinate with WaSP EduTF on this stuff.)
> You're awesome, Virginia!  Great to see you here in WebEd CG.
> Regards-
> -Doug

Virginia DeBolt

Blogging at

Received on Friday, 9 December 2011 20:47:04 UTC