[Bug 29196] New: IANA algorithm registrations are missing required Algorithm Analysis Documents field
[Moderator Action] Re: Diffie-Hellman in WebCrypto?
[W3C Web Crypto WG] agenda for our call today @ 20:00 UTC
[w3c web crypto WG] cfc for managing new algorithms in the Web Crypto API spec --> answer expected by 15th of novembre
[W3C Web Crypto WG] minutes of 12th of Oct call
[W3C Web Crypto WG] Review of WebRTC 1.0 from Web Crypto Working Group
[W3C Web Crypto] Call for Consensus on removing algorithms from the web API specification -> 20th of October
- Wendy Seltzer (Tuesday, 6 October)
- GALINDO Virginie (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Richard Barnes (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Richard Barnes (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Harry Halpin (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Ryan Sleevi (Tuesday, 6 October)
- Eric Roman (Tuesday, 6 October)
- GALINDO Virginie (Tuesday, 6 October)
[W3C Web Crypto] Call for Consensus on removing algorithms from the web API specification -> resolution
[W3C Web Crypto] CfC to make Key Discovery a Note
crypto-ACTION-153: : clarify polyfill versus native in the implementation count
Diffie-Hellman in WebCrypto?
No meeting today (TPAC2015), will resume November 9th
Request for feedback on KCipher-2 Working Draft
Resolving the Akamai Formal Objection
Telecon Reminder: WebEx Details for WebCrypto Oct. 12th Meeting at 8:00 UTC
Transition to PR: New "Proposed Algorithm" note for algorithms without interop (and Curve 25519 from CFRG)
Last message date: Saturday, 31 October 2015 20:16:40 UTC