Resolving the Akamai Formal Objection

In order to get out of CR, we need to address the formal objection by
Rich Salz of Akamai over security guidelines [1].

As per our CR transition request, the security guidelines document is

It would be great if people could give it a quick look-over. It's
already been reviewed by CFRG mailing lists and the chairs have accepted
it for publication as a non-normative "Informational" draft.

Shall we just add a sentence that says "Note that the security
properties of particular algorithms in this specification are liable to
change. Detailed questions can be asked to the IRTF CFRG, who are
maintaining a <a href="@@IRTF_URL">document</a> that outlines security
guidelines for algorithms and key sizes."

Assuming we address this formal objection and remove the
non-interoperable specs, we should be able to call for a transition at
our next meeting on November 9th.



Received on Tuesday, 27 October 2015 03:53:29 UTC