Re: github notifications setup for w3c/webauthn?

I note you did this earlier today, thanks.

On 5/26/16, 8:27 AM, "Wendy Seltzer" <<>> wrote:

Sure, we can give it a try. We may be getting our gh notifications
through two different streams, and so if we see duplicates, I'll try to
weed them out.


On 05/26/2016 11:16 AM, Hodges, Jeff wrote:
HI Wendy,
might we update the webauthn entry in to include..
"pull_request.opened",  "pull_request.closed", "push"
..?   If for some reason it doesnt add value we can always change it back, yes?
On 4/21/16, 10:12 AM, "Alexei Czeskis" <<><>> wrote:
pull request opened/closed seems nice.  So does "push".
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:58 AM, Hodges, Jeff <<><>> wrote:
So our github notifications setup for is..
"<><>": {
         "w3c/webauthn": {
"events": ["issues.opened", "issues.labeled", "issues.closed", "issue_comment.created"]
...( as found at end of this file: )
I note that we could also have notifications for "pull_request.opened", "pull_request.labeled", "pull_request.closed", "push", and "tr.published" (see set of templates here: )
examining mls.json (linked above) shows other working groups are all over the map regarding which events they get notified for, so it seems tough to glean guidance from their examples without querying for rationale.
but anyway, i just wanted to raise consciousness -- i'm wondering if we might want to add notifications for pull_request.* and see if it's useful...

Wendy Seltzer --<> +1.617.715.4883 (office)
Policy Counsel and Domain Lead, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)        +1.617.863.0613 (mobile)

Received on Thursday, 26 May 2016 22:11:23 UTC