Re: JSON representation of CSP policies

So as much as I thought this had the potential to expand into the headers,
the main rationale for the note I sent was for a serialisation format.

The main motivation is so libraries and services can publish what policy
they adhere to. Then other code can consume and create a composite policy
from many libraries.

If we can provide a tools to output CSP2 style header format from the JSON
the structure isn't massively important. However I thought it was worth
sharing here before all front end libraries run off on a tangent. A format
similar to package.json would be nice for example.

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 2:48 PM Mike West <> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Nottingham, Mark <>
> wrote:
>> Just an aside - if we did a new version of CSP, we could use JSON
>> directly for the header syntax:
>> One of the ideas behind that is that — for headers which use JSON for
>> their data model — we could use an alternative binary representation in
>> HTTP/3.
> Yeah, I was thinking about this as well. It seems more justifiable for CSP
> to use a JSON-based syntax given its complexity, and it might be an
> interesting opportunity for a clean break with the existing CSP behaviors.
> If there are things that we'd like to do in CSP3 that end up being
> backwards incompatible with CSP2 (and I'm not entirely sure there are,
> yet), changing the syntax entirely might be a good way to do it.
> FIled to track this.
> -mike

Received on Monday, 17 August 2015 19:44:54 UTC