[CSP] different perspective on Report-Only


following the excellent talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pocsv39pNXA by Adam Barth, CSP supports setting multiple policies (i.e. multiple Content-Security-Policy headers) in a response, which then all must be fulfilled. One reason for this principle as mentioned in the talk is that an attacker might somehow be able to add his own CSP header to the response, however without replacing existing headers coming from the server. In this case the attack does not open up security, because additional Content-Security-Policy headers can only introduce more restrictions.

Having said that, the header Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only could be considered by an attacker to add, to open up security.

Right now I am not sure if this could be an issue.

If any Content-Security-Policy headers have precedence over any Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only headers, the attacker would still not be able to open up security in the above mentioned way. Actually, I expect it to work like that. This should be mentioned in the section http://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#content-security-policy-report-only

Kind Regards,

Sven Ludwig
Senacor Technologies AG
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