Re: Proposal: Marking HTTP As Non-Secure

On 14 December 2014 at 20:47, Michal Zalewski <> wrote:

> The main point of having a visible and stable indicator for encrypted
> sites is to communicate to the user that the site offers a good degree
> of resilience against the examination or modification of the exchanged
> data by network attackers.

Then browser should show absolutely no indications of secure origin for
encrypted http://. The idea is that encrypted http:// experience would be
equivalent to the current http experience with no indications of security
and no warnings. However, encrypted http:// with insecure elements will
start to produce warnings in the same way a future browser will show
warnings for plain http.

Without something like this I just do not see how a lot of sites could ever
start enabling encryption unconditionally. I.e. currently enabling https
requires to modify content often in a significant way. I would for a site
operator to have an option to enabling encryption unconditionally without
touching the content.

Received on Monday, 15 December 2014 08:56:36 UTC