Re: Web Platform Working Group Charter Extended; Marcos Caceres appointed co-Chair; Charles McCathie Nevile reappointed co-Chair

Apologies for the slow response, but I'd like to draw attention to one
part of this message:

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 5:19 PM Léonie Watson <> wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Web Platform Working Group Charter Extended; Marcos Caceres
> appointed  co-Chair; Charles McCathie Nevile reappointed co-Chair
> Resent-Date: Fri, 07 Sep 2018 00:20:29 +0000
> Resent-From:
> Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 08:20:17 +0800
> From: Xueyuan <>
> To:
> CC:
> Dear Advisory Committee representative,
> Chairs,
> The Web Platform Working Group charter [1] is hereby extended until 31
> December 2018.
> Rechartered in August 2017, the Web Platform Working Group has continued
> the development of the HTML language and provides specifications that
> enable improved client-side application development on the Web.
> As reported at the AC meeting in Berlin [2], W3C believes that having
> two distinct HTML and DOM specs claiming to be normative is generally
> harmful for the community. The WHATWG and the W3C continue negotiations
> to provide a single authoritative specification for HTML and DOM.
> While progress in this negotiation has been made since May there is no
> agreement in place yet. During this extension there will be no REC track
> advancement for the joint work with the WHATWG, per the recommendation
> of the AB [3] and the Team. This applies to the following documents:
>   *
>   *
>   *
>   *
>   *
>   *
>   *

This appears to be the first time this has been mentioned to the
group, despite the AB deciding this a month earlier. Is there any
reason why this hasn't been communicated to the group earlier? I note
that there are participants in this group who do not have access of
Member-only space and therefore couldn't have seen this; I also expect
there's plenty of other people who, like me, don't read AB/AC minutes
as a matter of course.


> We also expect the Working Group to prepare a re-charter proposal in the
> meantime, adding new deliverables as suggested by the ongoing work in
> the Web Incubator Community Group.
> Additionally, Marcos Caceres (Mozilla) is appointed as third co-Chair of
> the Working Group. As existing co-chair of the Web Incubator Community
> Group (WICG), Marcos's appointment will facilitate the transitions from
> incubation to the working group in general. Marcos is joining current
> co-Chairs Charles McCathie Nevile and Léonie Watson. Charles McCathie
> Nevile's affiliation has changed from Yandex to ConsenSys and he is
> re-appointed.
> Information on how to participate in this group is available [4]. More
> information about the Web Platform Working Group can be found on its
> home page [5].
> If you have any questions or need further information, please contact
> Philippe Le Hegaret <>.
> This announcement follows section 5.1 and section 5.2.5 of the W3C
> Process Document:
> For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director, and
> Philippe Le Hégaret, Project Management Lead;
> Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

Received on Saturday, 27 October 2018 22:35:02 UTC