Re: Proposal: moving tests to GitHub

On 1/22/13 11:53 AM, "Odin Hørthe Omdal" <> wrote:

>   We just had a small discussion on webapps-testsuite [1] about the
>possibility of moving the webapps tests.  I was wrongly under the
>impression that we had discussed this before (hey, confusion is not a
>crime ;) ).

We had such a discussion in testing a while back.[a]

>Now that HTML has done the move, I think it is time for us to
>look at it too.  Ms2ger and Robin, which did most of the HTML testsuite
>[2] move were happy to help [3].
>Ms2ger proposed merging our repository with HTML at the same time and not
>necessarily having one repository for each group.  I was already thinking
>such a move might be beneficial to do for webapps and webappsec, but it
>might be even more simple to also have html testsuite in that merge.

There are benefits to both approaches. I would be in favor of having a
repository per spec (named tr_shortname-testsuite). This will make it a
lot easier to securely give scoped commit rights to external contributors
when the need arises.

>Robin wrote an email describing what they did for the HTML move, some of
>which should be relevant for our potential move too [4].  Of particular
>interest the possibility for having tests in folders by section of the
>spec, and making submissions pull requests.
>I'm interested in such a move because it'll make our tests more visible,
>and easier to contribute to.  Just this weekend the Server Sent Events
>spec got 6 pull requests from a GitHub user "Yaffle" [5].  Note that that
>particular repository will be moved into however our new test repository
>structure will be, so it probably won't remain as a separate repository.

More thoughts here:



Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 11:11:56 UTC