Re: Acceptable for CSS to add a "window.CSS" global?

Interesting. Perhaps that's where CSSOM for Regions could live?


On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> The CSSWG would like to add a new top-level object called "CSS" that
> we can hang several functions and constructors off of, so that we can
> avoid the excessive verbosity that's probably required if we just put
> everything on window.
> (Right now, the only thing we want to add is a "supports()" function,
> which is the API version of the upcoming @supports rule.  In the
> future, we'd like to add things like the CSSOM Value API constructors
> to it, so authors can do a simple "new CSS.px(5)" rather than "new
> CSSPixelComponentValue(5)".)
> Does anyone see any problems with this?  Do we think there's a
> significant compat risk to claiming an all-caps "CSS" variable?
> ~TJ

Received on Monday, 13 August 2012 18:22:16 UTC