Re: [websockets] Moving Web Sockets back to LCWD; is 15210 a showstopper?

On Thu, 3 May 2012, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> During WebApps' May 2 discussion about the Web Sockets API CR, four 
> Sockets API bugs were identified as high priority to fix: 16157, 16708, 
> 16703 and 15210. Immediately after that discussion, Hixie checked in 
> fixes for 16157, 16708 and 16703and these changes will require the spec 
> going back to LC.
> Since 15210 remains open, before I start a CfC for a new LC, I would 
> like some feedback on whether the new LC should be blocked until 15210 
> is fixed, or if we should move toward a new LC without the fix (and thus 
> consider 15210 for the next version of the spec). If you have any 
> comments, please send them by May 10.

I intend to fix that one in due course; I was avoiding adding it just to 
avoid overloading browser vendors with more stuff to implement now (it's a 
feature request, not a bug). If it's something that people to implement 
sooner rather than later, please comment to that effect on the bug.

(Same with the Web Workers cross-domain stuff. Let me know if you want 
cross-domain shared or dedicated workers sooner rather than later.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2012 16:42:40 UTC