Re: Mouse Lock

And what if the device in question is just a touchscreen with no
keyboard, mouse or hardware buttons?

On 6/20/11, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Olli Pettay <>
> wrote:
>> On 06/21/2011 12:25 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>>> The use-case is non-fullscreen games and similar, where you'd prefer
>>> to lock the mouse as soon as the user clicks into the game.  Minecraft
>>> is the first example that pops into my head that works like this -
>>> it's windowed, and mouselocks you as soon as you click at it.
>> And how would user unlock when some evil sites locks the mouse?
>> Could you give some concrete example about
>> " It's probably also useful to instruct the user how to release the lock."
> I'm assuming that the browser reserves some logical key (like Esc) for
> releasing things like this, and communicates this in the overlay
> message.
> ~TJ

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Received on Friday, 24 June 2011 01:29:37 UTC