ISSUE-173 (ericu): terminal FileWriter progress events should be queued [File API: Writer]

ISSUE-173 (ericu): terminal FileWriter progress events should be queued [File API: Writer]

Raised by: Eric Uhrhane
On product: File API: Writer

When a FileWriter successfully completes a write, currently it:
* dispatches a write event
* sets readyState to DONE
* dispatches a writeend event

If you want to start a new write, you can't do it in onwrite, since readyState is still WRITING.  Those events should be queued for asynchronous delivery, so that readyState is DONE by the time they get handled.  If you set up a new write in onwrite, you'll still run the risk of getting confused by the subsequent writeend from the previous write, but that's detectable.

I'll have to look and see what other events should be marked as queued.

Received on Friday, 10 December 2010 02:24:39 UTC