Re: requestAnimationFrame

* Gregg Tavares (wrk) wrote:
>There is plenty of flash content that has a lower than 60hz (or fast as
>possible) refresh rate. When something is instead implementing in HTML5
>instead of Flash what should they do to get the similar results? Checking
>,,, and I found that 7
>ads were set to run at 18hz, 3 were set to run at 24hz, 2 were set to run at
>30hz. I used SWF
>Info<>to check
>the fps setting. I have no idea why they don't choose "run as fast
>as possible." I could be laziness, it could be that it makes the pages too
>slow and unresponsive to set them to "as fast as possible", it could be that
>rendering 3 times more then necessary, 60hz vs 18hz would eat battery
>life, it could be an artistic choice, it could be just that flash makes you
>pick one vs defaulting to "fast as possible".

The frame rate is a number in the swf header that cannot be set to a "as
fast as possible" value.
Björn Höhrmann · ·
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Received on Tuesday, 16 November 2010 01:02:14 UTC