Re: [Bug 11270] New: Interaction between in-line keys and key generators

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Jonas Sicking <> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Pablo Castro
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> From: [] On Behalf Of
>>>> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 5:07 PM
>>>>>> So what happens if trying save in an object store which has the following
>>>>>> keypath, the following value. (The generated key is 4):
>>>>>> ""
>>>>>> { foo: {} }
>>>>>> Here the resulting object is clearly { foo: { bar: 4 } }
>>>>>> But what about
>>>>>> ""
>>>>>> { foo: { bar: 10 } }
>>>>>> Does this use the value 10 rather than generate a new key, does it throw an
>>>>>> exception or does it store the value { foo: { bar: 4 } }?
>>>> I suspect that all options are somewhat arbitrary here. I'll just propose that we error out to ensure that nobody has the wrong expectations about the implementation preserving the initial value. I would be open to other options except silently overwriting the initial value with a generated one, as that's likely to confuse folks.
>>> It's relatively common for me to need to supply a manual value for an
>>> id field that's automatically generated when working with databases,
>>> and I don't see any particular reason that my situation would change
>>> if using IndexedDB.  So I think that a manually-supplied key should be
>>> kept.
>> I'm fine with either solution here. My database experience is too weak
>> to have strong opinions on this matter.
>> What do databases usually do with columns that use autoincrement but a
>> value is still supplied? My recollection is that that is generally
>> allowed?
> I can only speak from my experience with mySQL, which is generally
> very permissive, but which has very sensible behavior here imo.
> You are allowed to insert values manually into an AUTO_INCREMENT
> column.  The supplied value is stored as normal.  If the value was
> larger than the current autoincrement value, the value is increased so
> that the next auto-numbered row will have an id one higher than the
> row you just inserted.
> That is, given the following inserts:
> insert row(val) values (1);
> insert row(id,val) values (5,2);
> insert row(val) values (3);
> The table will contain [{id:1, val:1}, {id:5, val:2}, {id:6, val:3}].
> If you have uniqueness constraints on the field, of course, those are
> also used.  Basically, AUTO_INCREMENT just alters your INSERT before
> it hits the db if there's a missing value; otherwise the query is
> treated exactly as normal.

This is how sqlite works too. It'd be great if we could make this
required behavior.

/ Jonas

Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2010 23:38:33 UTC